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Support your team's wellbeing, and you will improve your business.
Turning Point Mental Health Center also offers services to organizations in order to assess workplace dynamics and organizational structures. Through the use of our services workplaces can improve the success of their organization. Examples of services include:
Identifying how attitudes and behavior can be improved in the workplace
Ensuring that workplace morale remains high during periods of change
Assistance with staff recruitment, selection, and placement
Performance measurement, workplace motivation, and reward systems
Work/Life Balance
Organizational development
Case Management
Targeted Mental Health Case Management is a service provided to qualifying Medicaid recipients to assist them in…
Child Parent Psychotherapy
Child-Parent Psychotherapy is a unique
intervention used with children who have
been victims...
Organizations Service
Turning Point Mental Health Center also
offers services to organizations in order to
assess workplace dynamics...
Psychiatric Services
When paired with ongoing and constructive
therapy, medication can be a highly effective
component of...
School Based Services
Turning Point Mental Health Center is able
to provide in-school services that are free of
charge to the school system...
Assessment Service
Psychological Testing and other clinical
assessment is a common method used to
evaluate for the presence of...
Group Service
"The best part of being in a group is that you don't have to do everything alone"
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